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How to Safely Travel With a Laptop: 9 Best Tips | Blog
    Categories: Laptop Tips

How to Safely Travel With a Laptop: 9 Best Tips

Even when we are on a vacation, most of us can’t bear to leave our laptops behind. If you are on a holiday, your laptop is not only a workstation but can also function as a guidebook, travel agent, and sometimes an entertainment centre. Since many of us also travel very frequently for work, we need to take our laptops with us while we travel. If you’re carrying your laptop with you, you will need to take some precautions to keep it safe. Here are a few tips on how to safely travel with a laptop.

  1. Security Cable Lock

A security cable lock works like a simple lock and is perfect for keeping laptop safe while travelling. All you need to do is loop it around a fixed object, connect it to your laptop and lock it with a personal combination or a specific key. Spending a little more money can get you a high-tech device with a built-in sensor. When someone tries to make some changes or move around with the lock, it will trigger the alarm.

  1. Secure Padded Travel Laptop Bag

With all the chaos travel might sometimes include,  there could be incidents which potentially harm your laptop. If you drop your laptop or pack it in a very tight space, it might get scratched and crack. Placing the laptop in a well cushioned and padded travel laptop bag helps you avoid any damage. Also while choosing a travel laptop bag, make sure it comes with features like slash-proof fabric and good zippers. A good travel laptop bag with padding makes it perfect to use in all conditions.

  1. Keep the laptop in sight

While travelling, there is always a chance that your laptop might get stolen. To avoid this, you should always keep your laptop within view. Try not to leave it in an open space where it can attract everyone’s attention. If you are travelling by a train or bus, try not to expose your laptop too much to everyone.

  1. Insurance

A good travel insurance policy goes a long way in protecting you from unforeseen events. Getting a policy that covers loss and theft of personal goods before you travel can be a good idea. Buying a comprehensive laptop insurance policy will make sure your laptop is always safe and that you get compensated if something does happen.

  1. Antivirus Software

Connecting to new Wifi systems can prompt security ruptures. Keep your antivirus programming refreshed and running when you utilise the hotel or airport Wifi. If you are planning on conducting transactions through a new Wifi network, ensure that your internet program demonstrates a URL starting with ‘https’. These tips to help keep your laptop virus-free will protect your data and system.

  1. Record all your Laptop Details

As a precautionary measure, It’s always good to take down the specs and serial number of your laptop before you start your travel. An invoice of your purchase is also recommended. If in any case, the laptop goes missing, you can use all these details to report a theft.

  1. Install Theft Recovery Software

When you are travelling, your biggest worry is that your laptop might get stolen. However, there are several measures you can take to prepare yourself in case this happens. The chances of getting back your stolen laptop are a lot more if you have a theft recovery software installed on your laptop. The software allows you to locate the current location even if the data has been erased and a new operating system has been installed.

  1. Backup Your Data

All the information on your laptop always needs to have a backup on a hard disk or in cloud storage. You should also consider deleting important files containing sensitive information. This way, even if you lose the laptop, you need not worry about your important files getting misused.

  1. Data Encryption

Many people store sensitive, important information on their laptop. This might include documents, photos and passwords. All this information can be misused in the wrong hands, so make sure you encrypt the data with a strong password to make it difficult for anyone to access.

Here are some of the important tips which can help you in keeping laptop safe while backpacking. Follow these tips and your laptop can accompany you securely and safely no matter where you’re heading. Getting your laptop fully serviced before you travel can also help you prevent any unforeseen difficulties in using it. Visit a Dell Exclusive store near you to give your laptop the best care.

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